Monday 31 October 2011

ARTstor and Bridgemen

ARTstor and Bridgeman: Using images in teaching and learning (Tuesday 8 November 2.00-4.00, at Oxford University Computing Services, Banbury Road )

The session examines two major digital image collections subscribed to by the University - ARTstor and Bridgeman Education - geared to research and teaching in the humanities, history of science and medicine, and social sciences. Viewing, presenting and managing images are also covered and there will be plenty of time for hands-on practice. Presenters: Clare Hills-Nova and Vicky Brown .
Please book your place online

This course form part of the series of WISER training sessions run by Bodleian Libraries. To keep up to date with the WISER programme - Why not follow us on Twitter at or visit the BodWiser blog at You can also check the timetable on the WISER web site at