WISER: Protecting your work - what you need to know about
copyright (Tue 17 Jun 11.00 - 12.30)
Intellectual property and copyright are key concerns for
today's researchers. This event will raise your awareness of issues to look out
for, both in using other people's work and in publishing your own work.
Who is this session for? Postgraduate students,
researchers, academics and staff
Presenters: Tim PadfieldVenue: Seminar Room A, Manor Road Building Book your place
An opportunity for Oxford academics and researchers to debate the issues around scholarly monographs and open access with publishers and funders, and feed into HEFCE's Expert Reference Group project.
Programme of speakers:
Introduction: Catriona Cannon (Interim Deputy Librarian, Bodleian Libraries)
- Cecy Marden (Wellcome Trust, HEFCE Expert Reference Group)
- Frances Pinter (Knowledge Unlatched, HEFCE Expert Reference Group)
- Rhodri Jackson (OUP and OAPEN-UK JISC-funded project on open access monographs)
- Geoffrey Crossick (HEFCE Expert Reference Group, Chair)
- QandA. Panel joined by Sally Rumsey (Oxford Research Archive)
Venue: Lecture Room, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter Book your place
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