Monday, 15 October 2012

Courses for Postgrads and researchers

The following courses are being run by Bodleian Libraries staff at  IT Services (formerly OUCS) in Banbury Road

WISER: Finding Stuff – Conferences (Tues 23 Oct 3.30 – 4.30) (wk 3) - Conference papers can be tricky to find but are very valuable because they describe cutting-edge research. This session will enable you to find forthcoming conferences in your field and also to locate the published papers of proceedings which have taken place.
Who is this session for? Postgraduates, researchers and academics.
Presenters: James Shaw and Sue Bird > Book Now

WISER: Your thesis, copyright and ORA (Wed 24 Oct 3.45 – 5.00) (wk 3)
Repeated Mon 29 Oct 12.30 – 13.30 (week 4)
Oxford DPhil students are required to deposit a copy of their thesis in ORA (Oxford University Research Archive). This session will focus on copyright and other issues that DPhil students need to take into account when preparing and writing their thesis so that they do not encounter problems when they deposit.  DPhils are encouraged to attend this session early so that they can make sensible decisions regarding rights from the start of their research.
Who is this session for? Research Postgraduates who are required to write a thesis
Presenter: Catherine Goudie > Book Now

WISER: Finding Stuff – Theses and Dissertations (Fri 26 Oct 10.45 – 12.00) (wk 3) – This session will help you to find theses submitted at Oxford and in other institutions in the UK and overseas. 
Who is this session for? Postgraduates, researchers and academics.
Presenter: Angela Carritt and Craig Finlay > Book Now

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